Sunday, April 20, 2008

Children's Memory Quilt

I've known for a long time that I want to someday make a memory quilt for each of my kids from some of their old baby clothes. I've been keeping not just baby clothes but also some sentimental tee-shirts over the years. The pile has gotten really today I cut some of them down. I still don't know exactly how these quilts will turn out but I'll get to them one day. In the meantime I thought I'd show you some before and after picture so the piles of clothes turned to scraps for quilts.

If you don't know what a Memory Quilt from children's clothing looks like you can check out this site: MEMORY QUILT

They all are unique and different. I'll probably just make wallhangings for my kids.



And while digging through their clothes I found my little pink sweater and a little outfit of mine when I was just a tiny thing.

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