Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My altered Twilight book

So here's my final book! I love it, I really do. This project was started about a year ago. I'm thrilled with the final product! It's just beautiful and all my TwiMom's who worked in my book did a great job. I love all the spreads.

It's finished - cover and all. I'm not sure how happy I am with the cover but considering its the first one I've done I'll be content with it. The tree is to represent the Tree of Life and of course I put a little apple at the bottom of the tree. I found some inspiration while just surfing some images on Google and came up with the tree. I did that by hand. I'm not really an artist as in drawing/painting artist so I'm thrilled with my tree.

I'm currently hosting a round robin and we're working on New Moon. I just love altering books.

If you have clue what I'm talking about and are saying "huh??" Then check out my past posts (HERE) on my journey in a round robin with 13 other Twilight Moms.


ibeeeg said...

This is a very cool project. Wow...a year in the making. That is a long time for patience. Glad that you love your book.

Kel said...

VERY VERY cool book! I may have to start one for my daughter.