Saturday, March 5, 2011

Paper Piece Quilting

This year I wanted to learn something new and I decided that would be paper piece quilting. HA! Had I known what I was in store for I might have rethought this plan. Paper piecing is not hard per say but can be a bit confusing. You have to kinda thing backwards and my brain does not do that well. I have a very good friend in the area who is being very patient with me, teaching me as gently as she can! I really appreciate that.

Paper piecing is great way to use your scraps. It's also a great way to get all your points almost perfect.

Here's my first block (it's a church):

There are a few flaws in it but nothing I can't overlook. I really struggled on this one trust me. I have a farmhouse standing by to do next.

This book by Alex Anderson was very helpful to me starting out.
Paper Piecing with Alex Anderson

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